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Gottlieb Samuel Studer is born

 On 5 August 1804, Gottlieb Samuel Studer was born in Langnau im Emmental (Canton Bern), a Swiss mountaineer who was the first ascender of the Wildhorn (3248m) and one of the founders of the Swiss Alpine Club. In his mountaineering career he climbed more than 650 peaks. 


Ama Dablam: first ascent

On 13 March 1961, Mike Gill, Barry Bishop, Mike Ward and Wally Romanes, members of an expedition led by Sir Edmund Hillary, reached the summit of Ama Dablam (6856m) along the south-west ridge for the first time: a respectable ascent (VI 5.9 60° 1500m...

Shisha Pangma: first ascent

The first ascent of Shisha Pangma was carried out on 2 May 1964 by a Chinese expedition led by Xǔ Jìng. The expedition that reached the summit also consisted of Zhāng Jùnyán, Wáng Fùzhōu, Wū Zōngyuè, Chén Sān, Soinam Dorjê ...