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Kiry Chapel, from Cara

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Last survey: 07/02/2010
6.00 Km
Departure altitude
1146 m
Arrival height
1623 m
Positive difference in height
477 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


A pleasant hike between the villages of Fontainemore on the orographic right of the Lys Valley. The ascent to the Kiry Chapel is studded with countless rural buildings, some truly remarkable, that constantly accompany the walk. The arrival at the chapel, dedicated to St Peter in Chains, offers a splendid view of the overlooking Mont Mars.



Leave the car behind and walk to the beginning of the track, which is closed off to cars by a barrier. Once you have put on your poles, cross the barrier and start walking westwards along the track with a slight but steady ascent. At the first hairpin bend, the village of Cara (1170m) below can be seen. Turn right for the first time, still following the track, and continue to the next hairpin bend to the left. Slowly gain height until reaching the next hairpin bend. The following section is fairly long and you walk along it somewhat monotonously until you reach the next hairpin bend, from which you can appreciate an interesting view of the not too distant village of Saroun. Turn left again and walk along the next stretch until you reach Châteauroux (1395m). Leave the first houses of the village on the left and continue on the track that veers to the right and enters the Vallon de Theilly. After a few hundred metres, the houses of Coulot appear on the right: turn right, leaving the track and heading towards the houses further to the right. On reaching the buildings of Coulot, you will also come across the slender chapel dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene (1444m). From the chapel, follow the path, which is nevertheless evident, until you reach the track located just above. Follow the road for a few metres and take the path again to the left (avoiding a further section of track). With a few short turns, you reach two cottages and the track again. Continue left again along the track back into the valley until you come to the village of Kiry (Water, 1559 m). Skirt the village, leaving it on your left, until you reach a hairpin bend to the left: here, leave the track and follow the path (1) again, which is visible in places. Aim towards a beautiful, isolated stadel; leave it on the left, following the path recognisable by its small retaining walls. The goal is now close at hand; you will encounter a few more ruins and proceed practically in a straight line until you see the final destination. A short difference in altitude is overcome and the path rejoins the track, right in front of the Kiry Chapel (1623m, 1h45')
The panorama that can be enjoyed from here is captivating: given the position, it is possible to see the entire area of the Area Potetta del Mont Mars and the peaks at the start of the Lys valley such as Bec di Nona, Mombarone and Punta dei Tre Vescovi.
The return trip can be made along the same route as the outward journey (1h15') or you can make a few cuts in the track, especially from Châteauroux to the last hairpin bend of the track, which can save around twenty minutes.

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© 2010 - Massimo Martini
© 2010 - Massimo Martini

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Kiry Chapel, from Cara
domenica 07 febbraio 2010

Cappella di Kiry

Piacevole gita alla Cappella di Kiry: giornata calda e bella luce per fotografie! 

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