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Corna Rossa Pass, from Preda Rossa

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Last survey: 13/12/2012
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1900 m
Arrival height
2836 m
Positive difference in height
936 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Excursion to the shortest and simplest direct pass between Valmasino and Valmalenco (in its side valley Valle Airale). The first half of the route takes place on the well-known and very popular access path to Rifugio Ponti, the starting point for the normal route to Monte Disgrazia; the section that climbs up to the pass, on the other hand, takes place on a steep slope of boulders and loose, landslide-prone blocks; two short sections would be assisted by chains and handrail cables, but the equipment is damaged by the rockslides. A few metres away from the pass, on the Malenco side, still stands the unusable structure of the old Desio Refuge, now seriously damaged and unsafe. The geological environment is remarkable, with aesthetic colours of serpentine rocks.


From the Predarossa forecourt 1900m, follow a very stony track to the beginning of the plain 1955m and contour it on the left side along a footbridge built to preserve the delicate wet environment. At the end of the plain, the path begins to climb between serpentine blocks and the last larches, until it reaches a second and shorter plain 2100m. Leaving the path to the left for the Basset, we begin to walk up a steep gully of blocks, keeping to the right alongside a series of smooth poplars. When you reach two-thirds of the gully, exit to the right and walk comfortably along a moraine terrace between pastureland and rock outcrops. In a short time, cross a small valley of blocks and climb up to Rifugio Ponti 2559m, already clearly visible from afar. From here, following the varnished signs for Monte Disgrazia, descend a little towards the centre of the valley: having climbed the thin line of the right-hand side moraine, you come to a fork. Immediately leaving the summit path to the left towards Monte Disgrazia, carefully follow the few signs in paint that lead towards the pass. Easily cross a few branches of the glacial stream and, along a slab of ice very dirty with stony debris, begin the ascent of the slope along a shaky and interrupted track among the very landslide stones. Avoiding the most dangerous stretches, you converge on the terminal gully: after crossing it (safety chain broken and with broken fixtures), climb up among the rocks on the right-hand side (old steel cable) until a small path in a half-plane allows you to reach the wide opening of the Corna Rossa Pass 2836m. On the Malenco side, a sort of semi-artificial terrace houses the structure of the Rifugio Desio 2830m, now irretrievably damaged in static. Return by the outward route.
NOTE. Be careful in the access gully to the pass, because the serpentine rocks contain extensive strands of talc, which is extremely slippery in all weather conditions.


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© 2021 - Marco Bonati
© 2021 - Marco Bonati

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Corna Rossa Pass, from Preda Rossa
domenica 16 giugno 2024

Passo di Corna Rossa

bella gita infrasettimanale in un posto molto suggestivo; la salita al rifugio Desio (quello che ne rimane) è piuttosto severa e va affrontata con molta attenzione.
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