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Monte Cornizzolo and Monte Rai, from Civate


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Last survey: 18/03/2012
10.00 Km
Departure altitude
256 m
Arrival height
1240 m
Positive difference in height
1084 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


S.S. 36 exit Oggiono-Civate. At the roundabout, second exit onto Via Provinciale, after 300 m turn left onto Via del Ponte, after another 300 m turn right onto Via 24 Maggio, then turn right onto Via B3ellingera and immediately left onto Via Baselone and from here onto Via dell'Oro. Climb steeply up the road until you come to a clearing on the left, where path no. 10



Because it is a low-altitude hike, the ascent from Civate to Mount Cornizzolo and Mount Rai is recommended in early spring, when the southern slopes of the Larian Triangle mountains are already clear of snow, or in late autumn.


Going up the Valle dell'Oro valley on path no. 10, you come to the basilica of San Pietro al Monte, where a visit is a must. We then continue into the woods to reach the Consiglieri refuge of the SEC (Societa Escursionistica Civate), where a road closed to traffic also arrives. From here, we climb up the meadows towards the west where an obvious path leads to the summit cross.
To continue towards Monte Rai, we return to the refuge, losing about one hundred metres in altitude and, after a short walk along the road, we come to a signpost indicating the path to Monte Rai, which is clearly visible in front of us.
We easily climb the track up to the stone memorial stone placed on the summit and placed there on the occasion of the regional meeting of female mountaineering of the Cai di Canzo.
From the summit, we can admire all the peaks of the western Alpine arc. The view of the Corni di Canzo with the Grigne and Resegone behind, the lakes of Pusiano, Annone and the Lecco arm of the Lario is very suggestive.

Returning to the Consiglieri hut, take path no. 11, which passes a little higher than the one taken on the way up and, after crossing the woods, comes out onto the meadows of the ridge and allows you to admire the lakes of Annone, Pusiano and Alserio. You then re-enter the woods, keeping to the left of the forks for Suello and at Pozzo continue downhill until you reach a spring (the first one encountered on the outward journey) and, after a few minutes, return to the car park.


General information

Tour:South side, from Civate
Signposts:10, 11
Type of route:circular
Recommended period: March, April, October, November
Sun exposure: south
Water:three fountains along the route, at the Consiglieri refuge

Galleria fotografica

Sotto la croce del Cornizzolo ©2012 Rita Tarussello
© 2021 - Rita Tarussello
Il Cornizzolo dal Monte Rai ©2012 Rita Tarussello
© 2012 - Rita Tarussello

We have been there


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Monte Cornizzolo e Monte Rai

quello che non ti aspetti. Arrivi alla basilica di San Pietro al Monte e ti trovi al cospetto di un autentico gioiello, che vale un viaggio solo per visitarla. Poi già che ci sei vai anche al Cornizzolo e al Rai...
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Monte Cornizzolo

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