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The Pizzo dei tre Signori from the Via del Caminetto, from the Piani di Bobbio

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Last survey: 09/06/2012
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1600 m
Arrival height
2554 m
Positive difference in height
954 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


From Milan, take state road 36 to Lecco.
After the tunnel, turn right onto the dual carriageway for the valsassina.
After the Balisio pass, you reach Barzio and follow the signs for the cable car, where you will find a large car park.


The Pizzo dei Tre Signori is the mountain that dominates the area to the NE of Valsassina. It owes its name to the fact that it lies on the borders of what were the state of Milan, the republic of Venice and the Valtellina occupied by the Grisons.


The Pizzo dei Tre Signori is the mountain that dominates the area to the NE of Valsassina. It owes its name to the fact that it lies on the borders of what was the state of Milan, the republic of Venice and the Valtellina occupied by the Grisons. From the car park you follow the signs to Piani di Bobbio, on a horrible dirt road that has devastated the environment with the ski slopes. If the cable car is in operation, it is better to use it without remorse, saving two hours and eight hundred metres in height difference. From the Bobbio plateaus, take a left on the path or on an inter-country road towards the Grassi hut. The trail touches the Cedrino and Gandazzo passes, and then climbs steeply up the slope (spring) that leads to the zucco del Corvo, to the right of which is an exposed ledge (be careful with snow) that leads to the Passo del Toro, "cut into the rock, straddling two deep, precipitous valleys". The ledge can be avoided by climbing to the top of the zucco del Corvo and descending along a chain before the Torno pass. Continue for a long time without gaining altitude until reaching the Foppabona pass, from where the hut can be seen. Now the path loses altitude and with a turn under the zucco Valbona reaches the Grassi hut, m. 1987 (two hours from the Bobbio plateau). From the Grassi hut, follow the path marked with number 101, following the ridge overlooking the Biandino valley. You pass a small peak with the help of fixed ropes, reach the "piano delle Parole" (Cartello), formerly known as "Pian di sass", pass a border stone between the Veneto and Milan states and reach the fork for the Benigni refuge. Lovely view of the Biandino valley and the Sasso lake. Climb to the left, with the help of fixed ropes that are not essential (you pass everywhere), until you reach the western ridge from where you can see the summit. In just a few metres, you are at the entrance to the 'Caminetto', which is a fairly leaning gully that is easy to climb. At the exit, with a ledge and some exposed but very easy rocks (fixed ropes) you reach the anticima, descend to a saddle and climb to the large summit cross. Two hours from the refuge.

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