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Il Mottaccio, from Uschione

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Last survey: 10/05/2012
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
832 m
Arrival height
1928 m
Positive difference in height
1096 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Little-known excursion that, crossing the beautiful meadows of some maggenghi, leads to a unique viewpoint on the mythical north face of Pizzo di Prata: a wall known locally for its difficult and dangerous practicability, climbed for the first time in the 1920s or 1930s and then repeated on very few occasions. The panorama is marvellous in winter conditions, but the excursion, which is technically feasible even with snowshoes, requires a good knowledge of the route even without the use of paint markings.


Following the tarmac road, continue past the barrier and reach the village of Uschione, near the contrada Nesossi 832m; at the crossroads, continue to the right until - signposted - a stairway branches off again to the right into the wood. Climb steeply up to a meadow clearing with some ruins of mountain huts; the stairway climbs again into the wood, then follows the course of a stream in a small valley: you cross it at the foot of a beautiful waterfall and continue on to the next clearing; we are at Monte (=alpeggio) Quarantapan, which extends over terraces on several levels with scattered, almost completely abandoned mountain huts. A new stretch of forest introduces you to Monte di Pesceda 1313m, a vast maggengo spread out on the level towards Val Bregaglia, scattered with huts in good condition; leaving aside the signs for Damino, turn left and go to some rocks with engravings from various eras and enter another stretch of forest: you will soon reach Alpe Prato del Conte 1434m, the last meadow at the base of a mountain rise. Continue halfway to the right with few signs, until you reach the ruins of Alpe Primalfieno, where you begin the ascent of the vague ridge bordering Val Schiesone; flanked by the terrace of Alpe Tecciali in a panoramic position over the Val Chiavenna, continue on a steep track between the pine trees and rocks of the arid southern slope until you reach - preceded by the Alpe Mottaccio huts - the wooded summit of Mottaccio 1928m. Return along the outward route.

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