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Oratory of the Seven Brothers, from San Giovanni di Bioggio

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Last survey: 10/11/2010
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
697 m
Arrival height
2000 m
Positive difference in height
1300 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


From Milan to Cosio Valtellino along State Roads 36 and 38; at the railway station turn left to Traona. At the sports ground turn left onto the provincial road for Mello: from the churchyard of its parish church, along the narrow streets of the centre, head towards the Bernedo district and continue along a dirt road to the beautiful church of San Giovanni di Bioggio, isolated in the chestnut groves. There is little parking on the roadside.


A long, sunny hike up the Costiera dei Cech to reach the ancient (portal inscription: 1761) Oratorio dei Sette Fratelli, located on an isolated ridge between the precipitous gullies of Monte Sciesa 2487 m. The central position between the meadows of Monte Brusada-Passo Culmine-Monte Bassetta and those of Prà Sücc-Vesogno probably explains and justifies the construction of a place of worship for shepherds and goatherds who, until a few decades ago, worked on these pastures, without being able to descend to the valley for long months. 



From San Giovanni di Bioggio 697 m, go up the right-hand forest track for a long distance (transit allowed for vehicles with a pass sold on weekdays in the municipal offices of Dazio, Civo, Mello, Traona, Cercino, Cino and Dubino. Narrow and uneven path, suitable for 4x4 vehicles), turning right at the only fork. Near Prati Aragno 1146 m, we join the firebreak track coming from the distant Alpe Piazza di Dubino; we follow it eastwards (right) for a few hundred metres, passing under the vast pastures of Prati di Bioggio 1258 m and Prati Consiglio 1324 m. At a limited widening of the track, a path branches off to the left, leading to the easternmost huts of Prati Consiglio: you reach the highest building (on the façade you can see a large star of bulbs applied, like a Christmas sign) and take a path that winds its way up through the sparse, dry forest. A shift to the right allows you to go around some rocks to reach the flat pulpit of Piazzo della Nave 1637 m (some beautiful pine trees). From here, the path tends to disappear into the grass: it is, however, without difficulty to ascend the wide ridge scattered with charred logs (fire in the early 1970s); a patch of pine trees on the right hides and heralds the short stony traverse that leads to the small building of the Oratorio dei Sette Fratelli (Oratory of the Seven Brothers), about 2000 m. Note the colourful fresco inside and the curious three-dimensional cross that serves as a bell tower. Great panorama over the westernmost part of the Orobie and the upper Lake Como basin. Return along the outward route.

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© 2010 - Marco Bonati
© 2010 - Marco Bonati
© 2010 - Marco Bonati
© 2010 - Marco Bonati
© 2010 - Marco Bonati
© 2010 - Marco Bonati

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