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Mount Magnòdeno

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Last survey: 09/12/2011
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
224 m
Arrival height
1234 m
Positive difference in height
1010 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Classic and busy hike in the Lecco area, providing excellent views of the mountains surrounding the city, the lake and the whole of Brianza. Due to the busy nature of the area, the paths are well marked and signposted: however, it is sometimes necessary to take care - in the abundance of signposts - to overlook irrelevant tracks.


At the end of the Via alla Fonte 224 m, continue along the cobbled path that runs alongside - uphill - a small stream; shortly afterwards, having turned into a path, the track begins to climb into the broadleaf forest with steps sometimes cut into the rock. After passing a crucifix and a sign indicating the junction with path no. 28, a few hairpin bends lead to a private house. The trail then continues uphill protected by drystone walls to the huts at Piazzo 507 m; a few more bends through the chestnut grove and you reach the clearing at Camposecco 602 m (inn of the local cooperative society). The path continues alongside a hut back into the wood: a series of hairpin bends and long traverses (ignore a fork to the left for the 'Sentiero attrezzato Geremia' (Geremia equipped path)) lead to a saddle carved into the rocky terrain on the border with the valley that rises from Erve (path descending to the right): in a few steps you reach the Baita ANA M. Corti hut 921 m. Continue on level ground on the eastern slope of the Corno di Grao: a long up and downhill stretch in the oak and birch woodland leads to the ridge near Foppetta (vantage point over the lakes below), a clearing where a path passes from the left (return route). From now on, continue among the grasses of the ridge with a series of hairpin bends, by now within sight of the summit; a last, steeper stretch among the culminating rocks allows you to reach the balcony with the cross of the summit of Monte Magnòdeno 1234 m. A few steps behind the cross is the ANA Monte Magnodeno bivouac. For the return journey, take the same path as the ascent to Foppetta, where you continue along the ridge on the level; with gentle ups and downs in the scrub of low oaks, you then reach Cima Tre Croci and the summit clearing of Corno di Grao in succession. From here, a steep sequence of short hairpin bends on the stony path leads to the Corti Bivouac, from where we return to the outward route.


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© 2021 - Marco Bonati

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