Reports Points of interest I have been there Magazine Webcam

Mont Fortin, from La Visaille


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Last survey: 27/08/2004
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1659 m
Arrival height
2758 m
Positive difference in height
1099 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Tour to observe the peaks of the Mont Blanc group overlooking the upper Val Veny.


We proceed along the tarmac road, which, after two hairpin bends, skirts the base of the Miage glacier moraine on the right and reaches the Combal bridge (2020m) (where the remains of an old dam used for military purposes to hinder French invasions are visible). 9 branches off to the left, shortly leading to the Arp Vieille Inferiore (2073m).
Continue along the path until you come to a fork where you follow the track to the right (marker (9)).
Continue towards the gully of gravel and broken rocks, paying attention to sections where the track of the path is partially collapsed.
At times it is worth stopping and looking northwards at the magnificent panorama of the Mont Blanc chain and the Miage lake and glacier.
The ascent in the final part is very steep and leads to the rounded summit of Mont Fortin (2,758m) where the remains of a military shelter can be found.
From the summit, aided by an observation post installed there, you can spot and observe many peaks of the Mont Blanc group (to the north), Les Grandes Jorasses (to the north-northeast) and, in good visibility conditions, the Grand Combin (to the north-east).

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© 2021 - Ivano Ruffoni
© 2021 - Ivano Ruffoni
© 2021 - Ivano Ruffoni
© 2021 - Ivano Ruffoni
© 2021 - Ivano Ruffoni

We have been there


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Mont Fortin, from La Visaille
domenica 16 giugno 2024

Mont Fortin

Fatto il giro ad anello, circa 20 km, scendendo verso il col de Chavannes ed il rifugio Elisabetta. Traccia sempre ben evidente e solo un po' esposta nel breve traverso sotto la vetta Peccato per le nuvole che hanno nascosto gli angoli più remoti e selvaggi del monte Bianco! Avvistamenti faunistici: Mustela erminea
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