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Cross of Roncaglia, from Poira

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Last survey: 22/07/2010
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1077 m
Arrival height
2097 m
Positive difference in height
1020 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


From Milan to Morbegno along State roads 36 and 38; at the roundabout at the entrance to the town, turn left towards "Costiera dei Cech". After crossing the bridge over the Adda, continue right along Provincial Road 10 "dei Cech orientale": passing in order the villages of Dazio, Vallate, Serone, Chempo and Roncaglia, you will reach the end of the road at Poira. Park in the large forecourt of the small church of the alpini.


Already from the car park, the large metal cross, the destination of the excursion, can be seen on a dominant north-facing summit: the panoramic position over the entire lower Valtellina as far as Sondrio is evident. The cross was erected in 1978 and naturally the route was highlighted: currently, thirty years later, no trace remains beyond the Pesc pastureland and the ascent takes place on very steep and grassy terrain. To be avoided in snowy conditions: avalanche path



From the square in front of the little church of Poira 1077m, take the forest track that begins next to a useless football pitch; ignoring the secondary detours inside the pine forest, you arrive at the clearing of Carecc 1153m, which you climb up on a cemented road along the steepest line. Continuing along the forest track, back into the pine forest, with various changes of direction, we arrive at Ledin 1232m, a small alpine pastureland currently home to an agritourism. Towards the mountain and near a fountain with a drinking trough, the trail begins in the forest to follow to the Maggengo del Pesc 1613m: the track climbs the pine forest with regularity, alternating wide traverses with stony stretches - ancient landslides - now steep (about halfway along the trail, you come to a small chapel - continue to the left - and a little further on, you intercept and cross a firebreak track about 1350m). Past the few western huts of the Pesc, the path to the upper Val Toate is left off to the right and leads to a poorly marked grassy gully on the left. Without the slightest sign of passage, among the very tall grasses and some alder bushes, you climb up the very steep slope until you come out - among a few fir trees - onto a pasture shoulder with the remains of a hut. From here, continue along the ridge, between grasses and large boulders, until you reach the knoll with the "Croce di Roncaglia" 2097m.
Return along the outward route.


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