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Bellavista, from Muggio

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Last survey: 18/01/2012
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
651 m
Arrival height
1221 m
Positive difference in height
570 m
Recommended period


A wide tour on the wooded slope of Monte Generoso, the most inhabited and still partially used for forestry and pastoral activities. The final destination - which can be reached by other routes by car or the typical cogwheel train - is a well-known vantage point overlooking Lake Lugano with views as far as the peaks of the Valais. Along the way, you can visit examples of nevere (buildings used to store snow for cooling dairy products) that are still perfectly preserved. In addition, encounters with beautiful chamois are not unusual.



From Muggio 651m, along a small asphalted road closed to unauthorised traffic, we descend to the bridge over the Breggia 570m and then climb up to the church of San Giovanni 658m; a little further on - at the old houses of Tur (a lintel is engraved with the date 1797) - the carriage track ends and we take a beautiful mule track on the left that climbs with long bends and regular hairpin bends through the forest of chestnut trees. On reaching the abandoned farmstead of Alpe di Germania 967m, we come to a fork in the road (point of convergence with the return route): we turn right and with a long half slope through the beech forest - having passed the farmsteads with the Dosso Piatto grange - we reach the village of Muggiasca 951m, inhabited all year round and with lively agricultural activity. Continue uphill on the tarmac road for a few hundred metres until the signs point to a steep path to the right: a few hairpin bends in the woods and you find yourself on the vast meadowy slope of the Cascina d'Armirone 1152m. [All that remains of the original alpine pastureland is the well restored oratory building dating from 1750]. Beneath a row of monumental maples, you cross a carriageway: follow it to the right as far as the forecourt of a restaurant; here - to the right again - the road to the Bellavista railway station is indicated: it is 700 metres of easy road through a bright beech wood. Near the station 1221m (summer intermediate stop for the train to the summit of Monte Generoso) you cross the tracks and, next to the ruins of the "Des Alpes" hotel, take a lane that leads level to the panoramic terrace overlooking Lake Ceresio below. Go back to the Armirone farmstead (possibility of a shortcut indicated on the left) and continue on the asphalted track to a widening - the Cassinelli 1105 m - where the descent to the Pianspessa hump 1035 m (nevera and roccolo) is indicated on the left. After crossing the scenic meadows, the path enters the forest and - narrow but well marked - descends in steep bends to the Alpe di Germania, where we rejoin - as indicated - the uphill route.

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