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Cima di Capezzone, from Campello Monti

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Last survey: 29/09/2008
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1305 m
Arrival height
2421 m
Positive difference in height
1116 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


The Capezzone is the highest mountain in the Strona valley, and for this alone it is worth the trip. The panorama from the summit is splendid, especially if you climb it on a clear autumn day. It is also an interesting ski-mountaineering excursion. Unlike the opposite and almost twin Ronda, it is a 'fashionable' climb and is very popular. The village of Campello, of Walser origin, now inhabited only by holidaymakers in summer and where time seems to have come to a standstill, is well worth a careful visit.


You cross the village of Campello, and start to climb along the beautiful mule track that runs from the end of the village itself to the left; leave the branch-off for Bocchetta Campello on the left, and climb up a rump to then cross the Strona stream on a footbridge. Go diagonally to the left over a rocky rampart to reach Alpe Pian di Via. Go around a few rocky crags on the left and then take a long traverse to the right, slightly uphill, to reach the next plateau of Alpe Capezzone, from which a further ramp leads to the small Capezzone lake and the private Traglio hut on its banks. The lake is skirted indifferently on both sides, then heading for the Crocetta col slightly to the right above the pond, which is reached via a scree cone. To the right along the ridge, keeping to the opposite Valsesian side, we reach the summit. 



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