Rifugio Campione, from Rifugio Cimon della Bagozza

By car, we pass through Schilpario and then climb up to the Vivione pass, leaving the car just below the Cimone della Bagossa ref. ref.
The Campione refuge, between Valcamonica and Val di Scalve
Tranquil walk useful if you have limited time or if the weather forecast is not very reassuring
We start at an altitude of 1555 m and access is via an easy dirt track (short cemented sections). The Campelli Pass is thus reached at 1892 m (Rif. Iseo is only 1h15 away, while Ono San Pietro is 2h30; on foot, of course...). The destination is now close at 1946 m. The structure is in sight of the Campioncino peak . After the stop, we return by the outward route. A brief stop at the Cimone della Bagossa refuge 1,600 m, above the road, and then we return.
All in all: a discrete day, better than expected 400 m Dif. T for about 2h30 Tot. (1h30 and 1h ret.) + all the breaks to see the sights
If you would like, here is the photo pdf file, with a bit more information:
NB: in case of an excursion, always check with FIE, Cai, any park authority or other institutions, pro loco, etc., that there have been no changes that have increased the difficulties! No liability is accepted. The present text is purely indicative and not exhaustive.
Info Hiking Section Cral Galliera: http://www.cralgalliera.altervista.org/esc.htm
Trips 2022 at the link: http://www.cralgalliera.altervista.org/gite022.pdf