Reports Points of interest I have been there Magazine Webcam

Gries Pass, from Riale


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Last survey: 26/08/2007
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1740 m
Arrival height
2479 m
Positive difference in height
660 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Beautiful, very scenic excursion with an easy and evident route, even if it is rather long, allowing views of the Morasco del Gries and Toggia lakes (dams) and the beautiful mountain chain of the upper Bedretto Valley.


From the village of Riale follow the road to the Morasco dam towards the east, follow the entire right-hand side of the lake along the road to the end of the road (north). Still heading north, climb up the steep path to the Bettelmatt plain (the valley of the famous formazzino cheese), cross the plain to the north and along an obvious path up to the Gries Pass 2459m. Continuing along the path to the right (west) opens up a view of the Gries lake and the glacier of the same name on Swiss territory. The clear path halfway up the slope, without losing altitude, leads to the Corno pass, from here continue to follow the path down to the Corno Gries hut 2338m (currently being renovated to make it into a hotel!?!). From the Corno hut, still heading westwards, take the scenic and easy path that skirts the valley, descending on the upper right-hand side slightly downhill and then on the level until near the pass and a last, steeper part of the path leading to the San Giacomo Pass (2313m). Back in Italy, continue southwards, skirting Lake Toggia on the right (dirt track road) until reaching the Maria Luisa hut 2157m (possibility of buying excellent local cheeses). From the refuge by carriage road and then by paths that cross it, return to Riale.


We have been there