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Bocchetta Corno dei Tre Signori, from Pra del Rum


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Last survey: 27/08/2007
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1877 m
Arrival height
3098 m
Positive difference in height
1221 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


At the Ospitaletto exit of the A4 motorway, follow the local signs for Valle Camonica following the SP19 and the SP510. Near Pian Camuno go up the valley on the SS42 del Tonale e della Mendola road to Edolo, turn right towards Passo del Tonale, pass Incudine, Vezza d'Oglio, Temù and Pontedilegno. Shortly after the first hairpin bend following Pontedilegno, turn left onto the road to Passo di Gavia and climb up Valle di Pezzo. After two more hairpin bends, turn right towards Pezzo, enter the Viso valley and continue up to Case di Viso (1763 m). You can park before the village or go up the dirt track to "Pra del Rum" (1877 m).

* Note #1 On summer days you may have to pay a parking ticket. It is advisable to obtain some coins.
* Note #2 Pontedilegno can also be reached from Valtellina - via the Aprica Pass (SS39) and the Gavia Pass (SS300) - or from Trentino - going up the Val di Sole and the Val Vermiglio by crossing the Tonale Pass (SS42)
* Note #3 The road from Pezzo to the Case di Viso is one-way during the middle of the day. It may therefore be necessary, when returning by car, to take the dirt road on the orographic side opposite the outward journey, reconnecting with the SS42 of Tonale and Mendola near the fourth hairpin bend.


The proposed hike goes up the Viso valley, shaped in a U-shape by the action of the glaciers, to the numerous alpine lakes of Ercavallo and, with great views of the Presanella and Adamello group, goes along the entire Ercavallo plain below the Corno dei Tre Signori to the homonymous pass.

We return by a circular route passing by the very popular "Angiolino Bozzi" Montozzo refuge. The refuge, at the foot of the Punta di Montozzo, takes its name from one of the first Montozzo fallen during the "White War", conducted from 1915 onwards among peaks, rocks, snow and glaciers, on the border line that, starting from the Stelvio, across the Adamello, reached Lake Garda. At the hut, formerly a finance barracks, trenches, military villages, watchtowers and firing positions were built, and recently renovated, to support the Tonale front. Near the area, Alpine soldiers from Brescia, Bergamo and Abruzzo lived and, unfortunately died, in the attempts to conquer Albiolo. In June 1915, Cesare Battisti also arrived at Montozzo. In a letter to his wife, he described the Alpine soldiers as 'brothers more than comrades'. The proposed route, which is quite popular, takes place entirely in the Stelvio National Park (Nationalpark Stilfser Joch).


0h00' From the Pra del Rum rest area (1877m), leaving the dirt track marked 52 for Rifugio Bozzi to the right, go straight on towards the head of the Oglio Arcanello valley along the track marked 59 for Malga del Forgnuncolo. After a couple of twists and turns, leave the road to climb a track to the right for the Ercavallo lakes and the Corno dei Tre Signori. Initially with confused tracks, you climb up the pastures of the Malga Palòn delle Casaiole hut and then, with a steeper incline, reach the cross located on a panoramic hillock overlooking the Adamello group. Amid grass and stones, go round a few rocky crags, cross a few streams, and come out at the Ercavallo basin, just above a small hut. In about ten minutes, you reach the crossroads with the 2 signpost, to the right, for the Bozzi hut (note the remains of military constructions from the First World War on the ridge of the hump to the left). Proceeding straight ahead on the wide mule-track, in another ten minutes or so you reach the outlet of the first, and largest, Lake Ercavallo (2621m).

2h00'  Continuing north-westwards, in 7/8 minutes you reach a second small lake, partially drained, at an altitude of 2643m (from where there is a magnificent panorama from the Presanella group to the Adamello group). Following the numerous red and white signs and the abundant stone cairns, climb up the mounded rocks of the Piano di Ercavallo (on some it is necessary to climb with the help of your hands. Be careful), crossing the stream a few times. Higher up, the path is among piled boulders (some unstable) and scree. Among the debris, go round a ridge, climb up a small wall with the aid of a pair of chains, turn left to cross more piled boulders and climb the final scree slope to Bocchetta Corno dei Tre Signori (3098m, 3h40').
On the opposite side, the Piano di Gavia appears, Lake Bianco and some small lakes among the remains of the glacier of the same name. Back down to the first Ercavallo Lake (2621m, 1h15'), it is advisable to walk in a wide circle towards the Bozzi hut. Descend to the crossroads, keep to the left and follow the signpost [2]. The mule track flies over the Viso valley with a spectacular mule track below the Punta di Ercavallo and the Punta di Montozzo. With a path that is a little exposed in places, you cross a few landslides and come within sight of the remains of the military constructions of the "White War" and its museum (to be visited). A last stretch among the ruins (some partially restored) and you are at the Rifugio Montozzo "Angiolino Bozzi" (2478m, 2h40'). Descend to the upper Montozzo pond below, skirting the emissary stream, to reach the lower Montozzo pond (which has almost disappeared). Now from the main dirt track, marker [52], convenient shortcuts open out, practically at every bend, and with beautiful views of the Viso valley below, up to Pra del Rum (1877m, 3h40'). 

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