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Ronda Mountain, from Campello Monti

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Last survey: 27/09/2008
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1305 m
Arrival height
2414 m
Positive difference in height
1109 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


In the opinion of many valley dwellers, the Ronda is the most beautiful ascent from Campello Monti and of the entire Strona Valley, but it is very little frequented, perhaps because of the uneven and almost disappeared path. However, the route has recently been signposted by the CAI (Segnavia Z14) and certainly deserves to be rediscovered. The route is direct, very 'uphill', but all in all not excessively tiring, taking just over three hours. It should absolutely be walked in the cool autumn season (from October until the first snow) as the route faces south and is sunny. Pay attention to the Kompass map, which does not trace the path too precisely, and also to the description of the route in Crosa Lenz's classic text on the Strona Valley, as the route now follows the south-west ridge instead of the east ridge in the final section.


You enter the village by taking the beautiful steps beside the church. Just beyond, leave the path for Capezzone and follow the path to the right into the valley. Shortly afterwards, as soon as you enter the wood, take the secondary branch-off to the left signposted "Montagna Ronda - for experienced hikers only" - signposted Z14 ). Cross the stream and now climb directly up the faint tracks to the Alpe Fornale di Sotto farmsteads. Go over the overhanging ridge and then diagonally across to the stream, which you cross again, skirting it for a stretch. On the faint tracks, amidst clumps of grass and rhododendrons, climb up to Alpe Fornali di Sopra on a beautiful plateau. Keeping to the left, you reach the base of the grassy wall of the summit, which is always visible from the entire route. Head in the middle, along a scree-grassy cone, and then, with a long diagonal to the left above a rocky crag, reach the col on the south-west ridge of the mountain. Now follow the ridge, possibly with a few shifts on the south flank, to the panoramic summit. Small cross and summit book among the boulders. 



  • Omegna - Varallo - Lago d'Orta, Carta escursioni e sci alpinismo foglio 97, 1:50000, Kompass

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