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Mongioia, from Sant'Anna di Bellino


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Last survey: 15/04/2009
17.00 Km
Departure altitude
1840 m
Arrival height
3340 m
Positive difference in height
1460 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Torino-Savona A6 motorway, exit Marene-Bra. Take the SP662 to Savigliano and turn left at the roundabout for Costigliole Saluzzo. Follow signs for Valle Varaita (SP8) and follow it as far as the village of Casteldelfino. Staying on the provincial road, just before a hairpin bend turn left for the Bellino valley. Follow it as far as the village of Sant'Anna (1840m) where the road ends. It is possible to park near a small church or, continuing for a few hundred metres, just after the bridge over the Varaita stream.



From the start there is a magnificent view of the upper Bellino valley, at the head of which the Pelvo di Ciabrera towers. It is a good idea to start the hike early in the morning, both to admire the magnificent colours of the mountain and because the route has quite a long way to go.


From the car park, follow the stony mule track through the pastures to a crossroads that leads left to Pian Ceiol and right to the Fiutrusa pass and Monte Mongioia. Take the right-hand path that shortly leads to Grange Crouset (2020m) located below Rocca Senghi and continue halfway up the mountainside until the path descends to cross the Varaita di Rui stream on a small wooden bridge. From here begins a tiring climb that zigzags its way up to some mountain huts. The route follows the hydrographic right bank of the Vallone di Rui and the stream of the same name until the signposts placed on a stone indicate the way to the Fiutrusa pass on the right and the way to Monte Mongioia and Bivacco Boerio on the left. We then ascend the grassy slope until we come to a watercourse and a waterfall, which we cross on a steep slope. At the head of the waterfall, there are gently sloping flowery meadows, past which one moves to the right until reaching a second hollow. Turn left under rock walls and a scree slope to reach another beautiful basin where a small lake full of eriophoras is found. Continue along an escarpment above which is the Col de Rubren (3053m) and, following the border ridge in a northerly direction, you arrive at the Mongioia pass (3083m) from where it is possible to admire the Mongioia lake and the beautiful Boerio bivouac, built nearby. You leave the lake on the right along the ridge following the red marks. One moves to the right towards some rock faces following a long diagonal under the south ridge of Mongioia. Below the summit, it is necessary to overcome two somewhat exposed but overall easy stepped rocks until reaching the summit cross.
The descent follows the same route as the ascent.

General Information

Signposts: U26
Type of route: a/r
Recommended period of time: July, August, September
Objective hazardslippery passages
Sun exposure: south
Exposed sections:below the summit
Water: possibly at the mountain pastures, but it is a good idea to stock up before setting off

Galleria fotografica

In vetta al Mongioia ©2009 Rita Tarussello
© 2021 - Rita Tarussello
La testata della Valle di Bellino ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
Pascolo d'altura ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
Lungo il vallone di Rui ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
Salendo verso il passo ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
Passo Mongioia ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
La lunga diagonale di salita ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
Lago Mongioia e Bivacco Boerio. Sullo sfondo il Monte Salza ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
Sulla cima ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
Monviso e Visolotto tra le nubi ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
Panorama a NE verso il Colle dell'Agnello ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
Lago e bivacco da sotto la cima ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
Laghetto con eriofori ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
Stelle alpine nel massimo splendore ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
Grange del Chiot ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
Panorama a sud. Al centro la Marchisa ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
La Rocca Senghi ©2006 Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello

We have been there