Reports Points of interest I have been there Magazine Webcam

Bringuez Lake, from the Fenillettaz car park


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Last survey: 28/09/2008
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1879 m
Arrival height
2529 m
Positive difference in height
650 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


This hike is suitable for everyone and has as its destination a beautiful lake set in a solitary basin bordered by the spurs of Punta Goà to the left and Mont Quiappa at the far right. The panorama, closed towards the north-east, provides an excellent view of the peaks bordering the Gressoney Valley and those of Mont Avic Park.


From the car park, go through the forest at its edge and immediately cross a farm track that you follow for a few hundred metres until you come to a wide ski slope with a path that you climb up to your right. You pass close by the Chanlochère alpine pasture (2012m) and reach the farm track again, which you now follow to the left, passing under the chair lift and next to the Chavanne alpine pasture (2107m). Shortly after this alpine pasture, near a bend, you come to a fork in the road and take the track that descends to the left. At the next and nearby fork, turn left again and descend a few hairpin bends for about a hundred metres to the Lavassey alpine pasture (1981m) at the bottom of a beautiful valley of green pastures. Continue uphill along the farm track, leaving the path for Palasinaz to the right at a fork in the road, until it ends at Quiappa (2246m), the last alpine pasture of the itinerary; now that the farm track has ended, continue along a path to the left, with a steeper slope but well marked and indicated by yellow marks and stone cairns. After a stretch on a false level that contours the slopes of Mont Quiappa on the left, we find the junction, on the left, of another path coming from the lower part of the valley: from here we can already see the basin, dominated on the left by Punta Goà, where the lake is situated. After crossing a stream, you come to a grassy rampart. The path ascends it with a few hairpin bends and soon reaches the lake. 


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