Reports Points of interest I have been there Magazine Webcam

Nivolet Pass, southern slope


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Last survey: 16/11/2005
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1812 m
Arrival height
2612 m
Positive difference in height
800 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


The hike follows the 'Sentiero Renato Chabod per il colle del Nivolè' (Renato Chabod Path to the Nivolè Pass), restored in June 2000. In the first part the trail follows the old military road built by the Royal Italian Army while the military pact between Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy was underway (1882-1915) (the pact, known as the Triple Alliance, was intended to define how the contracting parties could help each other in the event of an external invasion even though, in practice, it was signed as a guarantee against possible French aggression). In the central and final part of the itinerary, however, mule tracks and royal hunting trails are followed. The return journey, especially during the months when Provincial Road 50 is closed at km 6.8, can be made along some stretches of asphalt road with beautiful views of the Serrù and Agnel lakes. During the itinerary, it is very common to spot animals typical of the Gran Paradiso National Park. Note: both toponyms 'Nivolè' and 'Nivolet' are used in local signs.


From the car park (approx. 1812 m), near a wooden cross built for the Jubilee of the year 2000, go up the asphalt road below Alpe Brengiat for about 4/5 minutes until you come to a wooden sign on the right indicating the start of the "Sentiero Renato Chabod per il Colle del Nivolè" (Renato Chabod Path for the Nivolè Pass). Take the former military road, immediately cross a stream and, continuing parallel to the provincial road, cross the tarmac road again. Turn right onto the provincial road and after a hairpin bend, once again turn right onto the military road near Alpe Pilocca. Still at a moderate gradient, two wide hairpin bends are followed and after a diagonal stretch of about 500 metres, you reach the wide lay-by from which, on the right, the royal hunting trail for Alpe Moncial and Alpe Moncialet branches off. Continue straight ahead to cross a wooden bridge and return to the provincial road (note a sign that also indicates the stretch just travelled as "Sentiero Bruno Tempo"). Having climbed the tarmac road to the next hairpin bend, turn right and follow the signs for "Colle del Nivolet", "Casotto Bastalon" and "military engineer's wooden footbridges". After crossing a second wooden bridge, we begin to climb in hairpin bends on the orographic left bank of the valley, opposite Alpe Renarda. Several times, with great views of Lake Serrù, the route crosses the high-tension pylons (be careful). When you come close to the pylon marked "T.212/N.115", leave the military road (which, after about 200 m, rejoins the provincial road) and turn right to climb up a long diagonal to the Casotto Guardia Parco del Bastalon (2,423 m, 1h 50'), a splendid panoramic viewpoint over the Vallone del rio Carro and Lake Serrù. Having gone round the hut, near a fountain, take the track that climbs to cross the royal hunting road, trail marker No. 550, for Col della Terra and Colle della Porta. Turn left to go round the 'Costa della Civetta' and, with wide views of the Serrù and Agnel lakes, descend to the Losere lakes, the last of which, at an altitude of 2461 m, is near the tarmac road. Now follow the provincial road to the right and then, at the mouth of a small valley, take a mule track to the right that, passing by a large cement block, used for the old Ceresole - Colle del Nivolet cableway, and approaching the "Roccia del Nivolet", among grass and scree, leads back to the provincial road. After another stretch on asphalt, you will notice on the right a plaque embedded in the rock indicating the "Sentiero Renato Chabod" and the "Rifugio Città di Chivasso". Taking the ledge, the path climbs up to join the splendid royal hunting road, at times elevated on a bed of slabs and stones, and after passing by a ruin and a small lake, we reach a panoramic viewpoint over the splendid Piano del Nivolet. A short descent leads to the Rifugio Città di Chivasso and the nearby Colle del Nivolet (2612 m, 3h00'). Should the road to Nivolet be closed to traffic, we suggest completing the itinerary with a partially circular route. From the pass, descend along the tarmac road, pass by the 'Vergine del Nivolet' and the ledge travelled uphill, descend the mule track again near the old cable car and cross the provincial road. Now cross the road and descend on the track that cuts the hairpin bend at Lake Losere Maggiore. With a free path, mixed with stretches of asphalted road, with the grassy slope to your left, crossed by the military road travelled on the outward journey, you descend to Lake Agnel. Past the crown of the dam, turn right and then left to reach Alpe Agnei. The slightly downhill road leads to the "Glaciomuseo" (2299 m, 1h05'), housed in the former AEM electric cabin. A visit to the museum is recommended (inside there are some thematic display boards and photographic panels on glaciers and a model of the "Glacier of the Goat"; on the upper floor there are other information boards and a television screen showing a documentary on the world of glaciers). Cutting, where possible, a few hairpin bends, we descend to the crowning of the Serrù Lake dam and then to the junction for the "Madonna delle Neve" chapel (a visit is recommended). Following the provincial road again, and with a few hairpin bends, you return to the valley of the Alpe Renarda and the entrance to the mule track marked "Sentiero Bruno Tempo". Following the uphill itinerary, the descent proceeds to the car park near km 6.8 (1812 m, 2h15').


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