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Bec Noir de Menouve, from Prailles dessous

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Last survey: 14/08/2011
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1600 m
Arrival height
2801 m
Positive difference in height
1200 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


A small knoll on the border between Val d'Aosta and Valais, an excellent viewpoint above the col Nord de Menouve, unfortunately ruined by the remains of a Swiss cable car.


A small summit on the border between Val d'Aosta and Valais, an excellent viewpoint above the col Nord de Menouve, unfortunately ruined by the remains of a Swiss cable car. From the car park, follow the inter-country road past two hairpin bends, then take short cuts leading to an alpine pasture where signs of the TDC (Tour du Combin) appear. At a crossroads, continue to the right until above another mountain pasture where yellow signs appear. Go over grassy slopes, following the tracks marked by yellow signs and a few cairns to the Tsa Nouva, where the end of the cross-country track is also located. After the mountain pasture, the path is better marked, passes a puddle and leads under the steep slope that leads to the Menouve hills. Leaving the turnoff to the left for the southern pass, you soon reach the northern pass and, via tracks on a ridge, the summit where there is a clearing with a bench. If you wish, from the col you can go over the Swiss side (where there are the remains of a cable car station) to reach the summit with the help of some steps.

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© 2011 - Benedetto Lorusso
© 2011 - Benedetto Lorusso
© 2011 - Benedetto Lorusso
© 2011 - Benedetto Lorusso
© 2011 - Benedetto Lorusso

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